
My name is Luna (they/she/he) and I am an initiated kontomble diviner in the Dagara tradition.

Why Twelve Names?

Long story short, it’s a reference to the multidimesional nature of being, and to the 12 tones of the chromatic scale.

Credentials and areas of self-study:

  • Tao Semko’s Kundalini Awakening Process 1 + 2, Practitioner Group member
  • Certified Reiki Master
  • IAST 1-5 (malidoma.com)
  • Primordial Alchemy with Craig Wells
  • BA in Arts and Letters with a focus in Music (Voice + Piano) and Studio Art; English minor
  • piano and voice teacher since 2015
  • ritual
  • dreamwork
  • sound/vibrational healing
  • herbal medicine, plant communication
  • Feldenkrais method and other forms of somatic experiencing
  • childhood education
  • Tarot for the Wild Soul with Lindsay Mack